my body changed when I entered puberty and my body started to alter; I began to compare myself with others: ‘Perhaps the girls around me are thinner?’” (rower). This quote also illustrates that body comparisons are a part of the athletes’ body experiences. Only few athletes (i.e., the former rower
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Athletes’ Body Talk: The Role of Contextual Body Image in Eating Disorders as Seen Through the Eyes of Elite Women Athletes
A.P. (Karin) de Bruin and Raôul R.D. Oudejans
Socially Constructed Body Image of Female Adolescent Cheerleaders
Sony SooHoo, Justine J. Reel, and Patricia F. Pearce
Adolescent cheerleaders are seen as American icons, but psychosocial factors can predispose them to body image disturbances and disordered eating. Understanding body image development is critical to promoting healthy body image, as well as preventing disordered eating and its related health risks. The purpose of this study was to explore the development of body image among adolescent female cheerleaders. A grounded theory approach was used to conduct 26 interviews with 14 adolescent female cheerleaders (M = 14.07, SD = 2.40) who cheered at All-star gyms, junior high, or high schools to explore their body image experiences. The categories included body awareness (i.e., physical changes, body comparison), cheerleading environment (i.e., cheerleading image, position body type, uniform), and social factors (i.e., parental influences, comments from others). These categories influenced body image through the central category, developing attitude, demonstrating the complexity of body image construction among adolescent females.
Handbook of Disability Sport & Exercise Psychology
Kelly P. Arbour-Nicitopoulos, Celina Shirazipour, and Krystn Orr
disability groups relative to able-bodied comparison groups. Chapter 26 explores the research examining the link between the multidimensional components of quality of life and physical activity, with a critical discussion of the need for future research to move beyond cross-sectional designs and to explore
Development and Validation of the Greek Version of Weight Pressures in Sport—Females Questionnaire
Ioanna Kontele, Tonia Vassilakou, Maria Psychountaki, Justine J. Reel, and Olyvia Donti
, 2015 ). In many studies, athletes identify coaches as the primary source of weight pressure, that is characterized not only by comments, but also by weight monitoring, food monitoring, and body comparisons ( de Bruin & Oudejans, 2018 ; McGannon & McMahon, 2019 ; Voelker & Reel, 2015 ). A recent
Validation of a Spanish-Language Version of the Weight Pressures in Sport Scale for Male Athletes
Clara Teixidor-Batlle, Carles Ventura Vall-llovera, Justine J. Reel, and Ana Andrés
-of-fit indices were adequate in the CFA. In agreement with Galli and Reel ( 2009 ), our results showed that body comparisons by Spanish teammates in a sport may be particularly salient, whereas comments and teasing from teammates and coaches about body shape and weight may be a source of pressure to promote body
Tone it Down: How Fitness Instructors’ Motivational Comments Shape Women’s Body Satisfaction
Renee Engeln, Margaret Shavlik, and Colleen Daly
). Not surprisingly, appearance-related upward comparisons (i.e., comparing yourself to someone viewed as superior on a given attribute) are associated with body image disturbance in women ( Myers & Crowther, 2009 ). Self-objectification and body comparisons may feed off each other, with self
Relationship Between Motivational Climate to Body Esteem and Social Physique Anxiety Within College Physical Activity Classes
Sheryl Miller and Mary Fry
eating ( Fitzsimmons-Craft, Harney, Brownstone, Higgins, & Bardone-Cone, 2012 ; Krane et al., 2001 ). Therefore, creating positive and nurturing climates may minimize body comparisons among individuals and encourage exercise adherence. In summary, BE dissatisfaction and SPA are often a result of
How Healthy is a Desire to be Fit and Strong? Drives for Thinness, Leanness, and Muscularity in Women in Weight Training
Andrea S. Hartmann, Florian Steenbergen, Silja Vocks, Dirk Büsch, and Manuel Waldorf
scale in men and women . Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 5 ( 1 ), 49 – 58 . doi:10.1037/1524-9220.5.1.49 10.1037/1524-9220.5.1.49 McCreary , D.R. , & Saucier , D.M. ( 2009 ). Drive for muscularity, body comparison, and social physique anxiety in men and women . Body Image, 6 ( 1 ), 24 – 30
An Inductive Thematic Analysis of Male Competitive Figure Skaters’ Experiences of Weight Pressure in Sport
Dana K. Voelker and Justine J. Reel
. Consistent with research conducted with male collegiate athletes ( Galli et al., 2014 ; Galli & Reel, 2009 ), the skaters in this study reported that sport-related weight pressures came from coaches, body comparison with their more elite level counterparts, and required athletic attire. Interestingly
The 2019 Biennial International Female Athlete Conference Proceedings
Nicole Farnsworth, Bryan Holtzman, Lauren McCall, Kristin E. Whitney, Meghan Keating, Laura Moretti, Bridget Quinn, Donna Duffy, and Kathryn E. Ackerman
-occurring with internal pressure to have a “runner’s body”, comparison with competitors, and pressure from coaches. Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) in Elite and Pre-Elite Female Athletes Margot Anne Rogers, Nicole Vlahovich, David Hughes, David Pyne, Shona Halson, Greg Lovell, Renee Appaneal, Nic