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Tone it Down: How Fitness Instructors’ Motivational Comments Shape Women’s Body Satisfaction

Renee Engeln, Margaret Shavlik, and Colleen Daly

focused on increasing health and strength. State-level body satisfaction and mood were assessed via pre- and post-tests. Experiences of self-objectification during the class were assessed at post-test. We predicted that, relative to the appearance-focused condition, those in the function-focused condition

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Examining the Impact of Body Satisfaction and Physical Activity Change on Postpartum Depressive Symptoms

Rebecca A. Schlaff, Meghan Baruth, Faith C. LaFramboise, and Samantha J. Deere

, and positively view prenatal and postnatal body changes may offer protective psychological effects. Although improving body satisfaction may provide a means for reducing the severity of depressive symptoms, the relationship between postpartum body satisfaction and depressive symptoms may vary by other

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Temporal Sequencing of Naturalistic Associations Between Body Satisfaction and Physical Activity: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study Among Women in Midlife With Elevated Cardiovascular Risk

Kelly A. Romano, Kristin E. Heron, and Danielle Arigo

targets. Body Satisfaction and PA Among Women in Midlife One experience with particular relevance to PA among women in midlife is body satisfaction ( Hausenblas & Fallon, 2006 ; Sabiston et al., 2019 ), a component of positive body image that captures individuals’ global cognitive-affective contentment

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An Exploratory Investigation of the Body Image and Health Behavior Transition in Retiring Intercollegiate Athletes

Nick Galli, Skye Shodahl, and Mark P. Otten

( Varnes et al., 2013 ), retirement from sport and the athlete lifestyle may trigger negative changes to body image, including decreased body satisfaction. Stephan and Bilard ( 2003 ) and Stephan et al. ( 2003 ) examined self-esteem, body-esteem, and body image in 16 retiring French Olympians representing

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The Levels and Predictors of Physical Activity Engagement Within the Treatment-Seeking Transgender Population: A Matched Control Study

Bethany Alice Jones, Emma Haycraft, Walter Pierre Bouman, and Jon Arcelus

activity in the cisgender population will be explored as potential statistical predictors, such as younger age and male gender, 1 , 23 low anxiety and depression levels, 3 , 5 high body satisfaction, 28 , 30 and high self-esteem. 29 , 31 , 32 Transphobia has been found to be a predisposing factor to

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Comparing a Yoga Class with a Resistance Exercise Class: Effects on Body Satisfaction and Social Physique Anxiety in University Women

Kimberley L. Gammage, Breanne Drouin, and Larkin Lamarche


The current study compared a single yoga group exercise class and a resistance group exercise class for their effects on state body satisfaction and social physique anxiety in women.


A pretest-posttest design was used. Participants (N = 46) completed both a resistance exercise class and yoga class in a counterbalanced order. Measures of body satisfaction and social physique anxiety were completed immediately before and after each class.


A 2 (time) × 2 (class type) repeatedmeasures multiple analysis of variance showed a significant overall Time × Class Type interaction (F 2,44 = 5.69, P < .01, η p 2 = .21). There was a significant increase in body satisfaction after the yoga class. After both classes, there was a significant decrease in social physique anxiety, but the magnitude of the change was larger after the yoga class than after the resistance class.


Both types of exercise class were associated with improvements in body image, but there were greater improvements after the yoga class. This study provided evidence of the positive effects of yoga for reducing state social physique anxiety and increasing state body satisfaction, adding to correlational evidence suggesting that yoga is particularly beneficial for improving body image-related outcomes in women.

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Disordered Eating in Female Collegiate Gymnasts: Prevalence and Personality/Attitudinal Correlates

Trent A. Petrie

This study extended the examination of the eating disorders continuum to the population of female athletes. Participants (215 collegiate gymnasts) were classified as normal/nondisordered eaters, exercisers, bingers, dieter/restricters, subthreshold bulimics, or bulimics and were then compared on several personality and attitudinal measures. Results revealed that (a) over 60% of the gymnasts met the criteria for one of the intermediate disordered eating categories, (b) only 22% reported eating behaviors that could be classified as normal or nondisordered, and (c) higher levels of disordered eating disturbance, particularly bulimia nervosa, were associated with a desire to weigh less, lower body satisfaction, lower self-esteem, and greater endorsement of sociocultural values regarding women's attractiveness. The findings provide partial support for the eating continuum in female athletes, and suggest that disordered eating may be the normative behavior in this population. Implications for interventions as well as directions for future research are provided.

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Can Self-Esteem Protect Against the Deleterious Consequences of Self-Objectification for Mood and Body Satisfaction in Physically Active Female University Students?

Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani, Nikos Ntoumanis, Jennifer Cumming, Kimberley J. Bartholomew, and Gemma Pearce

Using objectification theory (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997), this study tested the interaction between self-objectification, appearance evaluation, and self-esteem in predicting body satisfaction and mood states. Participants (N = 93) were physically active female university students. State self-objectification was manipulated by participants wearing tight revealing exercise attire (experimental condition) or baggy exercise clothes (control condition). Significant interactions emerged predicting depression, anger, fatness, and satisfaction with body shape and size. For participants in the self-objectification condition who had low (as opposed to high) appearance evaluation, low self-esteem was associated with high depression, anger, and fatness and low satisfaction with body shape and size. In contrast, for participants with high self-esteem, these mood and body satisfaction states were more favorable irrespective of their levels of appearance evaluation. For female exercisers, self-esteem-enhancing strategies may protect against some of the negative outcomes of self-objectification.

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Athletes’ Body Talk: The Role of Contextual Body Image in Eating Disorders as Seen Through the Eyes of Elite Women Athletes

A.P. (Karin) de Bruin and Raôul R.D. Oudejans

relation to both the predominant athletic body ideals and the body ideals in general society ( Loland, 1999 ). Qualitative studies into contextual body image have shown that athletes often experience different levels of body satisfaction in the athletic and social contexts, also referred to as the

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Bulimic Symptomatology Among Male Collegiate Athletes: A Test of an Etiological Model

Justine Chatterton, Trent A. Petrie, Keke L. Schuler, and Camilo Ruggero

-perceptions (e.g., body satisfaction); and behaviors (e.g., dieting, strength training) directly. For example, Galli and Reel ( 2009 ) found that male athletes engaged in specific behaviors, such as increasing aerobic exercise, muscle-building behaviors, and caloric restriction, to meet the physique pressures of