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The Relationship Between Barrier Self-Efficacy and Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis

Christopher R. Hill, Deborah L. Feltz, Stephen Samendinger, and Karin A. Pfeiffer

health risks highlight the importance of examining variables that could effect increases in childhood PA. The influence of one’s self-efficacy beliefs to overcome barriers shows promise in the physical domain as a common positive correlate with adolescent PA ( Bauman et al., 2012 , Craggs, Corder, van

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“I Do What I Like”: 8- to 10-Year-Old Children’s Physical Activity Behavior Is Already Interrelated With Their Automatic Affective Processes

Julia Limmeroth and Michaela Raboldt

results in energy expenditure” ( Caspersen et al., 1985 , p. 126), whereas exercise forms a subcategory of PA. The negative consequences of physical inactivity during childhood can be far reaching. PA has short-term positive effects on children’s health (e.g., bone and mental health; Biddle et al., 2019

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Nature-Based Early Childhood Education and Children’s Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, Motor Competence, and Other Physical Health Outcomes: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review

Avril Johnstone, Paul McCrorie, Rita Cordovil, Ingunn Fjørtoft, Susanna Iivonen, Boris Jidovtseff, Frederico Lopes, John J. Reilly, Hilary Thomson, Valerie Wells, and Anne Martin

Traditional Early Childhood Education (ECE) is typically characterized by predominately man-made structures, such as swings, climbing frames, and slides in the playground with very few natural features integrated. 1 Children who attend traditional ECE spend only a small amount of their time

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Temperament and Physical Activity in Childhood

MinKyoung Song, Robert F. Corwyn, Robert H. Bradley, and Julie C. Lumeng

Childhood obesity continues to be an epidemic. 1 , 2 Given that low levels of physical activity increase the risk for obesity, 3 , 4 the importance of physical activity among youth cannot be overemphasized. 5 , 6 Unfortunately, despite increased efforts to promote physical activity levels by

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Obesity Affects Postural Control in Middle Childhood and Adolescence but not in Early Childhood

Xavier García-Massó, Adrià Marco-Ahulló, Israel Villarrasa-Sapiña, Julio Álvarez-Pitti, and Jose-Luis Bermejo

; McGraw, McClenaghan, Williams, Dickerson, & Ward, 2000 ; Menegoni et al., 2009 ; Mignardot, Olivier, Promayon, & Nougier, 2010 ; Villarrasa-Sapiña et al., 2016 ). During childhood, the development of the central nervous system and the acquisition of new postural strategies improve postural stability

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Exploring the Educational Necessity of Physical Activity in Young Children Through Preservice Early Childhood Teachers’ Perceptions of Changes in Early Childhood Physical Activity Education in South Korea

Sunghae Park and Yeonjae Kim

, 2021 ; Liu et al., 2015 ; Preedy et al., 2022 ; Welk & Eklund, 2005 ). On the other hand, low levels of PA can negatively affect children’s health and lead to psychological problems, such as depression ( Diamond & Ling, 2016 ). PA habits that are formed in early childhood help to develop the

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The Perceived Motor Competence Questionnaire in Childhood (PMC-C)

Dennis Dreiskaemper, Till Utesch, and Maike Tietjens

, & Jackson, 2010 ), supplemented by a shorter version for middle to late childhood, which assesses the physical self-concept on seven sub-scales, Physical Self-Concept Questionnaire for Children: Dreiskaemper, Tietjens, Honemann, Naul, & Freund, 2015 ). However, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding

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Adverse Childhood Experiences, Depressive Symptoms, Functional Dependence, and Physical Activity: A Moderated Mediation Model

Matthieu P. Boisgontier, Dan Orsholits, Martina von Arx, Stefan Sieber, Matthew W. Miller, Delphine Courvoisier, Maura D. Iversen, Stéphane Cullati, and Boris Cheval

A recent systematic review has demonstrated that adverse childhood experiences, such as neglect and household dysfunction, were associated with 23 health outcomes (eg, depressive symptoms, anxiety, physical inactivity, obesity). 1 While these results highlight the pervasive harms that adverse

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Bidirectional Associations Between Adiposity, Sedentary Behavior, and Physical Activity: A Longitudinal Study in Children

Chiaki Tanaka, Xanne Janssen, Mark Pearce, Kathryn Parkinson, Laura Basterfield, Ashley Adamson, and John J. Reilly

Childhood obesity is a widespread health and social problem that is still increasing in prevalence in many countries. 1 A previous review of prospective studies concluded that low levels of baseline physical activity (PA) were only weakly or not at all associated with body fat gain. 2 More recent

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Automated Classification of Manual Exploratory Behaviors Using Sensorized Objects and Machine Learning: A Preliminary Proof-of-Concept Study

Priya Patel, Harsh Pandya, Rajiv Ranganathan, and Mei-Hua Lee

Manual exploration of objects during early childhood is among those critical behaviors that lay the foundation of “tool use,” one of the most advanced human motor skills ( Lockman & Kahrs, 2017 ). The act of exploration in the first year serves as sensory feedback of objects that evolve into a more