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Exploring the Possibilities of Outdoor/Adventure Education

Kent Griffin

young people early on about not only lifelong activities, but also activities that can be done in groups or alone, at school or at home, informally or formally. The decision of which curriculum to employ in a physical education program is sometimes a difficult one, and the implications can be far

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Backwards Design and Program Level Approaches to Coach Development in Higher Education

Eric M. Martin, Scott J. Moorcroft, and Tyler G. Johnson

local coaching education programs to consider curriculum design strategies that provide developers, regardless of location, with a process that is both rigorous yet flexible enough to consider highly individualized local sport contexts when designing a comprehensive program of coach education. Because

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Preservice Physical Education Teacher Preparation for Health-Related Fitness Testing: A Faculty Perspective

Xiaolu Liu, Xiaofen D. Hamilton, Rulan Shangguan, Jingwen Liu, Sarah J. Wall, and Richard Guerra

& Melnychuk, 2009 ). Research on PETE faculty’s perceptions of teacher preparation for HRFT has yet to be conducted. Faculty are the ones who determine the progression of students learning experiences throughout the curriculum ( Corbin & Cardinal, 2008 ). Therefore, it is crucial to include faculty voices

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High-Impact Educational Practices in Kinesiology: Examples of Curricular Advancements to Prepare Students for the Future of Work

Wendy Wheeler and Heather Van Mullem

A 21st century college education should prepare students to meet workforce demands and contribute to an educated citizenry. This challenge can be met through an intentional and coordinated effort to design a kinesiology curriculum that provides students with learning experiences to influence

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Feasibility and Provisional Efficacy of Embedding High-Intensity Interval Training Into Physical Education Lessons: A Pilot Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

Nigel Harris, Isaac Warbrick, Denise Atkins, Alain Vandal, Lindsay Plank, and David R. Lubans

considered the cornerstone of school physical activity promotion efforts, but physical activity levels in class do not appear to meet recommendations, perhaps owing to the pressures of covering all curriculum areas in a limited amount of face-to-face time ( 7 – 9 ). High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is

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Implications for Promoting Physical Literacy

Elizabeth J. Durden-Myers, Nigel R. Green, and Margaret E. Whitehead

situation will be particular to each individual learner. In this section, the influences of each of these schools of thought will be set out in a little more detail before moving into the detailed recommendations concerning pedagogy, content, and curriculum planning. Monism An appreciation of the individual

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Student Perceptions of Program Quality: The Value of the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation in the Strategic Development of Sport Management Curricula

Nicole Sellars, Christopher Atwater, Christopher Corr, and Christina Martin

( Yiamouyiannis et al., 2013 ). While sport management is commonly associated with the traditional field of business ( Hardy, 1987 ; Jones et al., 2008 ; Stokowski et al., 2022 ), the distinct components that comprise the field of sport management differentiate curriculum development from that of traditional

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Global Engagement in the Kinesiology Classroom Through Virtual Exchange

Pamela Beach, Melanie Perreault, and Leapetswe Malete

experiences in other formats. Reaching a majority of students should therefore be central to discourse on global education, and it is why higher education institutions should be intentional about infusing international and cross-cultural dimensions into the pedagogy and curriculum. Such discourse has been

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An Evaluation of Sport Management Student Preparedness: Recommendations for Adapting Curriculum to Meet Industry Needs

Jaime R. DeLuca and Jessica Braunstein-Minkove

Experiential learning has become a driving force of universities around the world, and is a crucial part of many sport management programs. This is particularly true given the competitive nature of the field and the rapid changes the industry continuously faces. This work seeks to reexamine the sport management curricula to ensure a progression and evolution toward a superior level of student preparedness for their internship experiences. Through the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods, our major findings recommend a focus on academic, experiential, and professional development. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed along with limitations and directions for further investigation.

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Kinesiology and Physical Education: A Curriculum (Dis)Alignment Perspective

Ang Chen

education (PETE) programs, questioned, “Will PETE survive the 21st century?” ( Templin et al., 2019 , p. 68). Templin et al. further suggested that undervalued K–12 school physical education is one of the primary causes of the PETE crisis. It may not be an exaggeration that the K–12 curriculum is in a