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The Anatomy of the Sports Scandal: An Outline for a Theoretical Contextualization

Rasmus K. Storm and Ulrik Wagner

Sports scandals are often discussed in the media and research literature without any deeper reflection on their specificities or development. As the economic and political significance of sport seem to grow in correlation with the development of globalization and new social media, the call for a sociological understanding of the downsides of sport becomes imperative. By deploying a communication-theory framework supplemented with insights from discourse theory, this article aims to develop a theoretical model of the sports scandal. It presents a 5-step model encompassing initial steps of transgression, followed by a publicly observed dislocation destabilizing the social order, which subsequently results in moral communication, environmental pressure for appropriate action, and, finally, an institutional solution.

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Physical Education Teachers and Competing Obesity Discourses: An Examination of Emerging Professional Identities

Dean Barker, Mikael Quennerstedt, Anna Johansson, and Peter Korp

Aim: To provide insight into how physical education teachers use discursive resources related to obesity to create particular professional identities. Method: Data come from focus group and individual interviews with physical education teachers in Sweden. Discourse theory on teacher identities frame the analysis of the empirical material. Results: Data suggest that teachers in Sweden make use of six distinct but related discursive contributions to produce three professional identities: the caring practitioner, an identity concerned with ensuring all pupils irrespective of size participate in physical education; the activity luminary, an identity that focuses on inspiring pupils toward activity across the lifespan, and; the body rationalist, an identity concerned with challenging unrealistic media discourses and reassuring pupils that they have “normal” bodies. Discussion: The identities appear more inclusive, sensitive, and critical than current physical education literature on obesity suggests, however they also contain elements that are fundamentally unsympathetic to overweight individuals.

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A Meta-Study of Qualitative Research on Social Support Related to Physical Activity Among Older Adults

L. Jayne Beselt, Michelle C. Patterson, Meghan H. McDonough, Jennifer Hewson, and Scott MacKay

women-only races and during the course of the race, as well as the significance of this for the participants of the study. 32F; age 65–79 Participants in women’s-only races Cross-sectional; ethnography; discourse theory, poststructuralism, and feminism Written accounts ( n  = 24); websites, mass media

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“Because There Are So Few of Us”: The Marginalization of Female Soccer Referees in Ontario, Canada

Kamiel Reid and Christine Dallaire

relation to soccer’s continued role as a site for reproducing hegemonic masculinities in the UK. Drawing on Foucauldian discourse theory ( Foucault, 1977 , 1982 ), our research contributes to the limited number of studies on female soccer match officials by complicating this picture and showing that the

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“Teaching to Transgress”: Race and a Pedagogy of Empowerment in Kinesiology

Ketra L. Armstrong

: Antiblackness in education policy and discourse . Theory Into Practice, 55 ( 1 ), 11 – 19 . Freire , P. ( 1985 ). The politics of education: Culture, power and liberation . Seabury Press . Freire , P. ( 1998 ). Teachers as cultural workers . Westview

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Nationalism and Anti-LGBTQ+: Exploring the Role of Nationalism in Soccer Fans’ Protests Against LGBTQ+ Equal Rights

Mateusz Grodecki, Dagmara Szczepańska, and Barbara Pasamonik

. Brill . Sutherland , C. ( 2005 ). Nation‐building through discourse theory . Nations and Nationalism, 11 ( 2 ), 185 – 202. Swimelar , S. ( 2020 ). LGBTQ+ rights in Bosnia: The challenge of nationalism in the context of Europeanization . Nationalities Papers, 48 ( 4 ), 768 – 790 . 10

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Understanding the Meaning of Representation in a Deliberative Democratic Governance System

Lisa A. Kihl and Vicki Schull

.1080/19406940.2013.825874 10.1080/19406940.2013.825874 Gutmann , A. , & Thompson , D. ( 2004 ). Why deliberative democracy? Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press . 10.1515/9781400826339 Habermas , J. ( 1996 ). Between facts and norms: Contributions to a discourse theory of law and democracy . (W. Rehg, trans

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Contextualizing Replay: Remediation, Affective Economies, Ontological Authority, and the Facade of Certitude

Ray Gamache

other social practices” ( Jørgensen & Phillips, 2002 , p. 61). The research focus of discourse theory is accordingly both the discursive practices which construct representations of the world, social subjects, and social relations, including power relations, and the role that these discursive practices

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Racist State and the State of Race: An Analysis of Instagram Commentary Pertaining to LeBron James

Evan Frederick, Nicholas Swim, Ajhanai C.I. Keaton, and Ann Pegoraro

continues to be a leader and activist off the basketball court . NBC Los Angeles . Dumas , M.J. ( 2016 ). Against the dark: Antiblackness in education policy and discourse

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“Protecting the Gift”: Risk, Parental (Ir)responsibility, and CrossFit Kids Magazine

Jesse Couture

Publications Ltd . Hall , S. ( 2001 ). Foucault: Power, knowledge and discourse . In M. Wetherell , S. Taylor , & S.J. Yates (eds.) Discourse theory and practice: A reader (pp.  72 – 81 ). London, UK : Sage Publications . Han , A.P. ( 2017 , June 2 ). Journal retracts Ohio State CrossFit