The past 40 years have been a period of explosive growth in knowledge and application for the field of exercise physiology. This growth is reflected by the volume of research performed and the expansion of exercise physiology principles into interdisciplinary and translational research. Figure 1
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Exercise Physiology From 1980 to 2020: Application of the Natural Sciences
Jane A. Kent and Kate L. Hayes
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Essential Papers in Sports and Exercise Physiology
Jos J. de Koning and Carl Foster
their understanding of the “deep history” in exercise physiology. While they seemed to do well with contemporary literature related to current research projects, indeed most journals were encouraging use of recent references, we found ourselves concerned that their understanding of less recent
Providing Virtual Laboratory Sessions in an Undergraduate Exercise Physiology Course
Ryan Charles Luke and Jaye K. Luke
At many institutions introductory exercise physiology courses are required for all kinesiology students. The laboratory portion of these courses usually involves development of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) connected with content presented in lecture. Due to scalability issues, the Kinesiology Department at California State University Monterey Bay cannot offer traditional laboratory experiences. Therefore, online and hybrid laboratory experiences were created to provide similar opportunities for students, address scalability issues, and enhance student engagement and learning. Creation of these carefully crafted laboratory experiences allowed instructors to (a) highlight and explain key foundational principles, (b) provide experiences involving practical application of material presented in lecture, and (c) present students with additional learning experiences while maintaining high learner expectations. The following article outlines the process used to create these virtual laboratory experiences for students in an undergraduate introductory exercise physiology course.
A Brief History of Pediatric Exercise Physiology
Bareket Falk, Panagiota Klentrou, Neil Armstrong, Thomas Rowland, and Han C.G. Kemper
The European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its inception in Berlin (Germany), 1967. It was a modest beginning, which placed the field of pediatric exercise physiology “on the exercise physiology map.” We take this opportunity to provide a brief history of
It’s Not Just Physical: Exercise Physiologist-Led Exercise Program Promotes Functional and Psychosocial Health Outcomes in Aged Care
Annette J. Raynor, Fiona Iredale, Robert Crowther, Jane White, and Julie Dare
to aged care providers on the effectiveness and potential benefits of an exercise physiology-led exercise program, by using a mixed-methods research design to investigate the effect of a 12-week exercise physiology led therapy program for older adults in a RAC setting. Specifically, the study
Exercise Physiology
Jack Ransone
Column-editor : Robert D. Kersey
Mechanisms Underlying Menstrual Cycle Effects on Exercise Performance: A Scoping Review
Christine Bernstein and Michael Behringer
). Effects of menstrual cycle on metabolic responses to exercise . Journal of Applied Physiology Respiratory Environmental and Exercise Physiology, 55 ( 5 ), 1506 – 1513 . Bunt , J.C. ( 1990 ). Metabolic actions of Estradiol: Significance for acute and
Extensive Familiarization Is Required Before Assessing Acute Changes in Multiple Object Tracking Performance
Jessica M. Moon, John Pinette, Aneesa Khwaja, Aubrey Fontenot, Violette Gibbs, Trevor J. Dufner, and Adam J. Wells
that significant improvements in Neurotracker performance during the training period would be observed and that 1 and 2 weeks of detraining would have no negative impact on performance in subsequent testing. Methods Study Design Participants reported to the Exercise Physiology Intervention and
Kansas State University Physical Activity Systems Framework: Integration of the Discipline of Kinesiology and Public Health
David A. Dzewaltowski, Mary McElroy, Timothy I. Musch, David C. Poole, and Craig A. Harms
Kinesiology is an academic discipline with a body of content that can be drawn on to support professions and to solve important public health problems. The Kansas State Physical Activity Systems Framework defines a new approach to structure the discipline. Central to the framework is the rejection of a kinesiology subdisciplinary approach and the adoption of an integrated “cell-to-society” systems approach. Each level of physical activity systems is addressed in undergraduate and graduate education and research. Supporting the framework are two research and education teams: exercise physiology and exercise behavioral science. These teams provide core integrated academic discipline content expertise and expertise for integrating professional application areas, such as public health. The framework has evolved over 20 years at Kansas State University, where today the Department of Kinesiology delivers high-quality extramurally-funded research; BS, MS, MPH, and PhD programs; and outreach in a cost-effective manner.
Preeminent Women in Exercise Physiology and Their Contributions to Title IX
Pamela D. Swan, Carol Ewing Garber, Barbara E. Ainsworth, Monica J. Hubal, Lynda Ransdell, Melinda Millard-Stafford, and Lynn B. Panton
research in the areas of exercise physiology and sports medicine. As the only female among the founders of ACSM, Josephine Rathbone (Teachers College, Columbia University, New York) strongly advocated for women’s physical activity participation long before Title IX ( Title IX and Sex Discrimination, 2021