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Determining the Appropriate Model for Concussion Health Care in the College or University Setting

Charles R. Thompson

The incidence of concussions and potential for long-term health effects has captured the attention of the media, general public, medical professionals, parents, and obviously the athletes themselves. Concussions have been blamed for a variety of mental and physical health issues. The athletic trainer is at the forefront of the concussion management team, as they are typically on the scene when the concussion occurs and are often the first medical personnel to evaluate and, hopefully, remove the athlete from activity. There has been controversy of late regarding the influence of coaches in the care of concussed athletes. Therefore, a move to the “medical model” of sports medicine management can go a long way in resolving conflict of interest issues regarding the care of concussed athletes. A comprehensive concussion team and protocol are also essential to providing the highest level of care. This article takes a closer look at concussion management in the collegiate arena, with a particular focus on Princeton University.

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Mental Health Symptoms of Amateur Association Football Referees: A Cross-Sectional Study

Yavuz Lima, Sergen Devran, Tom Webb, and Bülent Bayraktar

severe ≥20 ( Kroenke et al., 2001 ). The PHQ-9 previously demonstrated sufficient psychometrics and fit indexes in a Turkish sample ( Güleç et al., 2012 ). Cronbach alpha internal reliability coefficient was .84, and the reliability coefficient for this study was 0.85. General Anxiety Disorder-7 The

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Collegiate Athletic Trainers’ Use of Behavioral Health Screening Tools

Taylor B. Chandler, Matthew J. Rivera, Elizabeth R. Neil, and Lindsey E. Eberman

–7) Patient Health Questionaire-9 (PHQ-9) 112 (56.6%) 6 General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) 54 (27.3%) 6 Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) 27 (13.6%) 6 Short-Form-12 (SF-12) 27 (13.6%) 5 Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) 23 (11.6%) 5 Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) 18 (9.1%) 5 Alcohol Use

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The Influence of Anxiety and Depression Symptoms on Help-Seeking Intentions in Individual Sport Athletes and Non-Athletes: The Role of Gender and Athlete Status

Richard E. Tahtinen and Hafrun Kristjansdottir

.” Previous help-seeking was then coded into a dichotomized variable “yes” or “no.” Individual sport athletes also answered whether they were currently in the national team or in an elite training group. General Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7) Is a brief, 7-item self-report measure for assessing generalized