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Association Between Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity and Gross Motor Coordination in Preschool Children

Sandra Silva-Santos, Amanda Santos, Michael Duncan, Susana Vale, and Jorge Mota

traditional development levels of movement skills: early movement milestones, fundamental movement skills, and specialized movement skills. The sixth level is related to functional movement skills and specialized movement skills. Thus, gross motor coordination is a specific aspect of general motor competence

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Comparability of the Test of Gross Motor Development–Second Edition and the Test of Gross Motor Development–Third Edition

Stephanie C. Field, Christina B. Esposito Bosma, and Viviene A. Temple

The Test of Gross Motor Development–Second Edition (TGMD-2; Ulrich, 2000 ) has been one of the most widely used process-orientated measures of motor skill proficiency, with more than 1,000 citations in the international literature since it was published. Attaching meaning to raw TGMD-2 scores has

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Gross Motor Skills and School Day Physical Activity: Mediating Effect of Perceived Competence

You Fu and Ryan D. Burns

, 2007 ). Because children spend a significant portion of waking hours during school, finding ways to increase school day physical activity may facilitate meeting daily guidelines. Improving gross motor skills may facilitate meeting daily physical activity guidelines in youth. Evidence suggests that the

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Psychometric Proprieties of the Slovenian Version of the Test of Gross Motor Development–3

Miha Marinšek, Klemen Bedenik, and Marjeta Kovač

Gross motor development refers to changes in specific motor skills involving large and small muscle groups over time. In the contemporary approach to gross motor development assessment, motor competence should be characterized as qualitative changes in movement patterns and quantitative movement

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Psychometric Properties of the Test of Gross Motor Development-3 for Children With Visual Impairments

Ali Brian, Sally Taunton, Lauren J. Lieberman, Pamela Haibach-Beach, John Foley, and Sara Santarossa

Fundamental motor skills (FMS) are the building blocks to more complex movement patterns ( Clark & Metcalfe, 2002 ). FMS are often subdivided into include object control (now referred to in the Test of Gross Motor Development-3 [TGMD-3] as ball skills) and locomotor skills ( Gallahue, Ozumn

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Associations Between Physical Activity and Gross Motor Skills in Parent–Child Dyads

Katherine Q. Scott-Andrews, Rebecca E. Hasson, Alison L. Miller, Thomas J. Templin, and Leah E. Robinson

wide range of gross motor skills (i.e., locomotor, object manipulation, and stability skills) and is positively associated with physical activity ( Robinson et al., 2015 ; Stodden et al., 2008 ). However, physical activity levels are low in both adults ( Althoff et al., 2017 ) and children ( United

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Associations of School Day Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity With Gross Motor Skills: Use of Compositional Data Analysis

Ryan D. Burns, Youngwon Kim, Wonwoo Byun, and Timothy A. Brusseau

Fundamental gross motor skills facilitate physical health, well-being, and performance in activities of daily living for the developing child. 1 , 2 Fundamental gross motor skills manifest from rudimentary phases of infancy to complicated locomotor and manipulative movements and serve as building

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The Test of Gross Motor Development—Third Edition: A Bifactor Model, Dimensionality, and Measurement Invariance

Sedigheh Salami, Paulo Felipe Ribeiro Bandeira, Cristiano Mauro Assis Gomes, and Parvaneh Shamsipour Dehkordi

.g., jump distance). In contrast, process-oriented tests are concerned with how the skill is performed (e.g., arm–leg coordination during running; Hands et al., 2002 ). The Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD) is considered one of the most widely used instruments for FMS competency ( Ulrich, 1985 , 2000 ). It

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Test of Gross Motor Development–3 Validity and Reliability: A Screening Form

Nadia Cristina Valentini, Glauber Carvalho Nobre, Larissa Wagner Zanella, Keila G. Pereira, Maicon Rodrigues Albuquerque, and Mary Elizabeth Rudisill

deficiencies is essential for early intervention to eliminate the risk of further delays ( Martini et al., 2011 ). Several motor tests are currently used to assess motor skills with adequate cross-cultural psychometrics ( Tamplain et al., 2020 ), such as the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD). All versions

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SKIPping With PAX: Evaluating the Effects of a Dual-Component Intervention on Gross Motor Skill and Social–Emotional Development

Ali Brian, Emily E. Munn, T. Cade Abrams, Layne Case, Sally Taunton Miedema, Alexandra Stribing, Unjong Lee, and Stephen Griffin

Preschool is a crucial time for the development of self-regulation ( Robson et al., 2020 ) and gross motor skills ( Barnett et al., 2016 ; Bolger et al., 2021 ). Such skills have been linked to social, emotional, cognitive, psychological, and physical health, as well as academic success across