) may impact competitive performance by impairing repeat-effort capacities, 7 combat sports–specific performance, 9 – 11 and muscular performance 8 , 12 – 13 following recovery periods of 3 to 5 hours and in some cases up to 24 hours. 7 Heat acclimation has been shown to mitigate the negative
Search Results
The Influence of Heat Acclimation and Hypohydration on Post-Weight-Loss Exercise Performance
Oliver R. Barley, Dale W. Chapman, Georgios Mavropalias, and Chris R. Abbiss
Does Dehydration Affect the Adaptations of Plasma Volume, Heart Rate, Internal Body Temperature, and Sweat Rate During the Induction Phase of Heat Acclimation?
Yasuki Sekiguchi, Erica M. Filep, Courteney L. Benjamin, Douglas J. Casa, and Lindsay J. DiStefano
Clinical Scenario Exercise in the heat can lead to performance decrements and increase the risk of heat illness. 1 , 2 Heat acclimation refers to the systematic and gradual increase in exercise in a controlled, laboratory environment with hot environmental conditions and is an impactful strategy
Precooling With Crushed Ice: As Effective as Heat Acclimation at Improving Cycling Time-Trial Performance in the Heat
Matthew Zimmermann, Grant Landers, Karen Wallman, and Georgina Kent
dehydration. 2 , 3 Because of this, methods of improving endurance performance in the heat have been developed. Heat acclimation (artificial environment) or heat acclimatization (natural environment) occurs when an individual trains in hot and typically humid environmental conditions for ∼60–90 minutes each
Differing Physiological Adaptations Induced by Dry and Humid Short-Term Heat Acclimation
Samuel T. Tebeck, Jonathan D. Buckley, Clint R. Bellenger, and Jamie Stanley
Short-term heat acclimation (STHA) involves repeated exposure to heat stress over the course of ∼7 days in an artificial (acclimation) or natural (acclimatization) environment. 1 STHA has received increasing interest for elite athletic preparation because it efficiently and effectively promotes
Optimizing Heat Acclimation for Endurance Athletes: High- Versus Low-Intensity Training
Cyril Schmit, Rob Duffield, Christophe Hausswirth, Jeanick Brisswalter, and Yann Le Meur
Heat acclimation (HA) has the capability to improve performance in the heat, potentially countering heat-induced performance decrements. 1 In general, HA is accomplished via regular exercise at submaximal intensities in environments of sufficient temperature. 2 , 3 In addition, due to the
Heat Acclimation by Postexercise Hot-Water Immersion: Reduction of Thermal Strain During Morning and Afternoon Exercise-Heat Stress After Morning Hot-Water Immersion
Michael J. Zurawlew, Jessica A. Mee, and Neil P. Walsh
Prior to exercise-heat stress, athletes and military personnel are advised to complete a period of heat acclimation to alleviate heat strain and improve exercise capacity in the heat. 1 The adaptive responses that improve exercise capacity in the heat include an earlier onset and an increase in
Changes in Hydration Factors Over the Course of Heat Acclimation in Endurance Athletes
Yasuki Sekiguchi, Courteney L. Benjamin, Samantha O. Dion, Ciara N. Manning, Jeb F. Struder, Erin E. Dierickx, Margaret C. Morrissey, Erica M. Filep, and Douglas J. Casa
importance as typically those undertaking heat acclimation (HA) tend to be preparing for prolonged events with high sweat rates. In addition to hydration, HA is also an impactful strategy to mitigate negative effects of exercise in the heat ( Alhadad et al., 2019 ). HA refers to the process of multiple
Impairment of Cycling Capacity in the Heat in Well-Trained Endurance Athletes After High-Intensity Short-Term Heat Acclimation
Thomas Reeve, Ralph Gordon, Paul B. Laursen, Jason K.W. Lee, and Christopher J. Tyler
Exercise performance in the heat is often impaired due to the greater physiological strain experienced, 1 – 3 but heat acclimation/acclimatization (HA) can reduce this impairment by inducing a number of beneficial physiological (eg, reduction in cardiovascular strain, lower core body temperature
Heating Up to Keep Cool: Benefits and Persistence of a Practical Heat Acclimation Protocol in Elite Female Olympic Team-Sport Athletes
Stephen P. Fenemor, Matthew W. Driller, Nicholas D. Gill, Brad Anderson, Julia R. Casadio, Stacy T. Sims, and C. Martyn Beaven
Heat acclimation (HA) can elicit physiological adaptations such as lowered core body temperature ( T c ), reduced resting and exercising heart rate (HR), plasma volume expansion, and a higher exercise sweat rate. 1 These adaptations facilitate a reduction in perceptual stress and enhanced exercise
Altitude and Heat Training in Preparation for Competitions in the Heat: A Case Study
Amelia J. Carr, Philo U. Saunders, Laura A. Garvican-Lewis, and Brent S. Vallance
athletes who wish to use altitude training for improved competition performance, since altitude training locations can be cooler 10 and could inadvertently be deleterious for performance. 11 The addition of heat acclimation/acclimatization within a periodized program that includes altitude training could