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Inclusion and Normalization of Queer Identities in Women’s College Sport

Mallory Mann and Vikki Krane

be themselves. In women’s college sport today, many athletes are involved in ally programs (e.g.,  You Can Play , SportSafe, It Gets Better ) in which individual teams or whole athletic departments promote queer inclusion. At the same time, we still hear of places where being openly lesbian or

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Creation and Validation of the Self-Efficacy Instrument for Physical Education Teacher Education Majors Toward Inclusion

Martin E. Block, Yeshayahu Hutzler, Sharon Barak, and Aija Klavina

The purpose was to validate a self-efficacy (SE) instrument toward including students with disability in physical education (PE). Three scales referring to intellectual disabilities (ID), physical disabilities (PD), or visual impairments (VI) were administered to 486 physical education teacher education (PETE) majors. The sample was randomly split, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA, respectively) were conducted. After deleting items that did not meet inclusion criteria, EFA item loadings ranged from 0.53 to 0.91, and Cronbach’s alpha reliability was high (for ID = .86, PD = .90, and VI = .92). CFA showed that the ID scale demonstrated good goodness-of-fit, whereas in the PD and in the VI scales demonstrated moderate fit. Thus, the content and construct validity of the instrument was supported.

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Preservice Physical Educators’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs Toward Inclusion: The Impact of Coursework and Practicum

Andrea R. Taliaferro, Lindsay Hammond, and Kristi Wyant

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of completion of an adapted physical education (APE) course with an associated on-campus practicum on preservice physical educators’ self-efficacy beliefs toward the inclusion of individuals with specific disabilities (autism, intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, and visual impairments). Preservice students in physical education teacher education (N = 98) at a large U.S. Midwestern university enrolled in 1 of 2 separate 15-wk APE courses with an associated 9-wk practicum experience were surveyed at the beginning, middle, and conclusion of each course. Results of 4 separate 2-factor fixed-effect split-plot ANOVAs revealed significant improvements in self-efficacy beliefs from Wk 1 to Wk 8 and from Wk 1 to Wk 15 across all disability categories. Significant differences between courses were found only for autism in Time 1.

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Transgender Inclusion in Sport

George B. Cunningham, Risa Isard, and E. Nicole Melton

. Though the transgender community has seen many successes, setbacks are all too common, and questions about their place in sport persist. In this paper, we focus on transgender inclusion in sport. To do so, we first present a case for why transgender individuals should be included in sport, and then

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Catalyzing Inclusive Excellence: Transformative Practices of Auburn University’s School of Kinesiology

Matthew W. Miller, Christopher M. Wilburn, Harsimran S. Baweja, Mary E. Rudisill, and Jared A. Russell

Staff, 2021 ; Auburn University Office of Institutional Research, 2022 ). The success of the 10-in-10 strategic initiative is just one of AU KINE’s many examples of diversity and inclusion achievements that resulted in being awarded the 2024 American Kinesiology Association’s (AKA) Inclusive Excellence

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Barriers and Facilitators to Including Students With Down Syndrome in Integrated Physical Education: Chilean Physical Educators’ Perspectives

Luiz Gustavo Teixeira Fabricio dos Santos, Fabián Arroyo-Rojas, Sheyla Martinez Rivera, Luis Felipe Castelli Correia de Campos, Lindsey A. Nowland, Wesley J. Wilson, and Justin A. Haegele

As in educational fields in general ( Slee, 2018 ), the term inclusion has had a considerable impact on policy, practice, and scholarship in the field of physical education internationally over the past 30 years ( Heck & Block, 2019 ). For example, in Chile, the enactment of the Ley de Inclusión

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Inclusive Spaces and Locker Rooms for Transgender Athletes

George B. Cunningham, Erin Buzuvis, and Chris Mosier

meaningfully affect their health and overall well-being—a point to which we return in subsequent sections. These data collectively highlight the need for a strong commitment to transgender inclusion in sport and physical activity, including in locker rooms and other team spaces. The purpose of this position

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Hope for a Better Future in an Uncertain Present: A Social Justice Reflection in Sport Psychology

Bernadette “Bernie” Compton

experiencing discrimination need to get “thicker skin,” we limit the individual’s humanity ( Abrams & Moio, 2013 ). Although the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) acknowledges the need to incorporate diversity and inclusion into professional training and research, there remains a glaring lack of

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Inclusive Physical Education: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Ontario Secondary School Health and Physical Education Curriculum

Enid K. Selkirk, Cheryl Missiuna, Sandra Moll, Peter Rosenbaum, and Wenonah Campbell

across settings and context ( Krischler et al., 2019 ). Finkelstein et al. ( 2019 ) describe inclusive education as “contextually-bound”: what represents inclusive education is dependent “on the context and specific needs of stakeholders” (p. 3). Thus, what inclusion “looks-like” can be different across

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Breaking Down Barriers in Sport Management Internships Using the Universal Design for Learning

Michael A. Odio, Joshua R. Pate, and Thomas J. Aicher

for issues of access and inclusion. Scholars have repeatedly identified issues of access and inclusion related to race, gender, disability, and other forms of diversity within the sport industry (e.g.,  Cunningham, 2009 ; Fink, 2016 ; Lastuka & Cottingham, 2016 ; McGarry, 2020 ; Shim et al., 2020