The epidemiology and etiology of ankle sprain injuries in soccer have been well described. Retrospective analysis of epidemiological data identified an English Premier League player sustaining a high lateral ankle sprain. GPS data collated during the training session in which the injury was sustained, and subsequent rehabilitation sessions, were analyzed to quantify uniaxial PlayerLoad metrics. The injured player revealed a 3:1 asymmetrical loading pattern in the mediolateral plane and multiaxial high loading events which might present the inciting event to injury. The high magnitude, asymmetrical and multiplanar loading is consistent with lateral ankle sprain etiology.
Search Results
Tri-Axial Accelerometry as an Injury Predictor Tool in Elite Soccer
Wayne Brown and Matt Greig
Understanding Injury and Injury Prevention in Para Sport Athletes
Shana E. Harrington, Sean McQueeney, and Marcus Fearing
which impairment groups they provide sporting opportunities for in their classification rules. 6 Injury and injury prevention data are well researched and abundant among able-bodied athletes, leading to high-quality evidence and protocols aimed at reducing injury prevalence and impact on participation
Poor Sleep Quality’s Association With Soccer Injuries: Preliminary Data
Andressa Silva, Fernanda V. Narciso, Igor Soalheiro, Fernanda Viegas, Luísa S.N. Freitas, Adriano Lima, Bruno A. Leite, Haroldo C. Aleixo, Rob Duffield, and Marco T. de Mello
performance and affect muscle recovery, 6 , 8 changes occurring in these sleep variables may favor the appearance of musculoskeletal injuries. 8 The release of growth hormone, testosterone, and cortisol occur during sleep as part of the processes regulating protein synthesis and degradation, which, in turn
Predicting Injuries in Elite Female Football Players With Global-Positioning-System and Multiomics Data
Juan R. González, Alejandro Cáceres, Eva Ferrer, Laura Balagué-Dobón, Xavier Escribà-Montagut, David Sarrat-González, Guillermo Quintás, and Gil Rodas
Injuries in sports, particularly among professional athletes, can have significant physical and economic implications. 1 Prognostic factors with an established causal role in injury occurrence and susceptibility factors (ie, genetic background) can be used to develop innovative intervention
Professional Footballers’ Association Counselors’ Perceptions of the Role Long-Term Injury Plays in Mental Health Issues Presented by Current and Former Players
Misia Gervis, Helen Pickford, and Thomas Hau
Health Act”, 2017 ) and defender Steven Caulker has spoken openly about his struggles with depression and drinking ( Fifield, 2017 ). A common theme across these three cases is that they all suffered from long-term injury in their careers. The Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) is the
An Investigation Into Former High School Athletes’ Experiences of a Multidisciplinary Approach to Sport Injury Rehabilitation
Damien Clement and Monna Arvinen-Barrow
The existing literature suggests that the most effective sport injury rehabilitation occurs when a range of individuals work closely together with the injured athlete to aid their return to preinjury levels of physical and psychosocial health, fitness, well-being, and performance. 1 As such, sport
A Preliminary Exploration of the Application of Self-Compassion Within the Context of Sport Injury
Zenzi Huysmans and Damien Clement
risk for athletic injury ( Williams & Andersen, 1998 ). As outlined by Williams and Andersen’s ( 1998 ) stress-injury model, history of stressors, coping resources, and personality factors will moderate the stress response to a potentially stressful situation and subsequently alter susceptibility to
Differences in Attentional Focus Associated With Recovery From Sports Injury: Does Injury Induce an Internal Focus?
Rob Gray
Although it is commonly believed that focusing too much attention on the injured body area impairs recovery in sports, this has not been directly assessed. The present study investigated attentional focus following sports injury. Experienced baseball position players recovering from knee surgery (Expt 1) and baseball pitchers recovering from elbow surgery (Expt 2) performed simulated batting and pitching respectively. They also performed three different secondary tasks: leg angle judgments, arm angle judgments, and judgments about the ball leaving their bat/hand. Injured athletes were compared with expert and novice control groups. Performance on the secondary tasks indicated that the injured batters had an internal focus of attention localized on the area of the injury resulting in significantly poorer batting performance as compared with the expert controls. Injured pitchers had a diffuse, internal attentional focus similar to that of novices resulting in poorer pitching performance as compared with the expert controls.
The Relationship of Personality Characteristics, Life Stress, and Coping Resources to Athletic Injury
Sarah J. Hanson, Penny McCullagh, and Phyllis Tonymon
In 1988, Andersen and Williams proposed a model to explain the stress-injury relationship. The present study tested portions of this framework by investigating frequency and severity of injury occurrence in track and field athletes from four NCAA Division I and II universities. Personality characteristics (locus of control and sport competition trait anxiety), history of stressors (life stress, daily hassles, and past injury), and moderating variables (coping resources and social support) were assessed before the season began. Discriminant analyses indicated that four variables (coping resources, negative life stress, social support, and competitive anxiety) differentiated the severity groups. For injury frequency, coping resources and positive life stress differentiated the groups.
Psychological Responses of Division I Female Athletes Throughout Injury Recovery: A Case Study Approach
Leilani Madrigal and Diane L. Gill
Using the Integrated Model of Response to Sport Injury as a theoretical framework, athletes’ psychological strengths and emotional responses were explored throughout the injury process using a case study approach. Four Division I athletes completed measures of mental toughness, hardiness, and optimism before their season (time 1), once they became injured (time 2), midway through rehabilitation (time 3), and when they were cleared to participate (time 4). Coping behavior, psychological response, and rehabilitation adherence were recorded at time 2–time 4, while recovering. In addition, interviews were conducted after time 4. Mental toughness, hardiness, and optimism varied over time and across cases, with broad individual differences in response to injury. Athletes experienced a loss of athletic identity combined with feelings of guilt and helplessness over the initial stages of injury, but positive experiences were also found. All cases also reported playing through injury. Understanding the psychological strengths and responses of athletes can help professionals work with injured athletes.