al., 2005 ; Holt, 2016 ). While each of these factors can positively influence athletes’ experiences and developmental outcomes, these same factors can negatively influence athletes’ sport experiences ( Fraser-Thomas & Côté, 2009 ; Yabe et al., 2018 ). Growing awareness of incidence of maltreatment such
Search Results
Maltreatment in Youth Sport: A Systemic Issue
Gretchen Kerr, Anthony Battaglia, and Ashley Stirling
“You Had One Job!” A Case Study of Maladaptive Parasocial Interaction and Athlete Maltreatment in Virtual Spaces
Jimmy Sanderson, Matthew Zimmerman, Sarah Stokowski, and Alison Fridley
) framework to investigate abusive behavior of fans directed at athletes. The purpose of this study was to examine abuse and maltreatment directed at Chicago Bears kicker Cody Parkey after he missed a critical field goal in a playoff game. On Sunday, January 6, 2019, the Chicago Bears faced off against the
Mental Health and Organized Youth Sport
Stewart A. Vella
participants in youth sport and may be particularly pertinent for those in higher levels of competition. Maltreatment and abuse in youth sport represent risks for young participants with particularly severe consequences ( Kerr, Battaglia, & Stirling, 2019 ). Among other vulnerable groups, children are at
U.S. Center for SafeSport: Preventing Abuse in Sports
Nicole Johnson, Katie Hanna, Julie Novak, and Angelo P. Giardino
community youth sport in the U.S., reports in the media continue to highlight the significance of this problem. Studies using a variety of methodologies are emerging and report significant rates of sexual, physical, and emotional maltreatment of young athletes. For example, due to variations in the methods
Brazilian Gymnastics in a Crucible: A Media Data Case Study of Serial Sexual Victimization of the Brazilian Men’s Gymnastics Team
Michelle E. Seanor, Cole E. Giffin, Robert J. Schinke, and Diana A. Coholic
mechanisms enabling athlete maltreatment within their sport environments ( Mountjoy et al., 2016 ). Sexual predators exploit elite sport contexts to commit criminal offenses ( Hartil, 2013 ) through training times when parents and other adults are excluded ( Jacobs et al., 2017 ), travel competitions ( Cense
An Exploration of the Content and Quality of Online, Text-Based Coach Development Programs Specific to Parasport
Janet A. Lawson, Jennifer Turnnidge, and Amy E. Latimer-Cheung
author and research team members and were meant to reflect the central themes of this study (e.g., “sport coach” and “disability”), a broad range of individual/team and summer/winter Paralympic sports (e.g., “basketball” and “Nordic skiing”), and CDP domains of focus (e.g., pedagogy, maltreatment). While
“It Was the Worst Time in My Life”: The Effects of Emotionally Abusive Coaching on Female Canadian National Team Athletes
Gretchen Kerr, Erin Willson, and Ashley Stirling
), and Canada’s national team alpine skiing coach, Bertrand Charest, who sexually abused his female athletes ( Donovan, 2019 ), are some of many examples. Stemming from the child abuse literature, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, and neglect are covered by the term “maltreatment.” Crooks
Developing Close, Trusting Coach–Athlete Relationships With High-Performance Adolescent Tennis Players
Mikaela C. Papich, Gordon A. Bloom, and Lea-Cathrin Dohme
psychological well-being ( Felton & Jowett, 2013 ). Importantly, with numerous athlete maltreatment allegations in Canadian high-performance sport (see MacIntosh et al., 2022 ; Willson et al., 2022 ), coaches must promote and prioritize positive values and ensure athletes feel safe in their care. To this end
The Current Youth Sport Landscape: Identifying Critical Research Issues
Daniel Gould
essential that the growing concerns over child maltreatment, physical and sexual abuse, bullying, and neglect in youth sport be addressed ( Kerr et al., 2019 ; Mountjoy et al., 2016 ; Noble & Vermillion, 2014 ; Nurse, 2018 ). These concerns are well founded, with a reported 1 in 10 U.S. children being
Health Communication and Sport: Connections, Applications, and Opportunities
Zack P. Pedersen
-bind) communications. Respective authors discuss potential areas for future inquiry, such as examinations including both the child and the parents’ perspectives, and calls for the development of theories pertaining to athlete development and success. Athlete Maltreatment A practitioner perspective is offered in