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A Systematic Approach to Interpreting the Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test in Pediatrics

Marco Van Brussel, Bart C. Bongers, Erik H.J. Hulzebos, Marcella Burghard, and Tim Takken

based on the approach we have developed and applied over the last 15 years for diagnostic, prognostic, and evaluative purposes in pediatrics. CPET in Children Performing a CPET in children, especially in younger and smaller children, can be challenging since they do not always adhere to the standard

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Physical Activity Levels and Adiposity in Ambulant Children and Adolescents With Cerebral Palsy Compared With Their Typically Developing Peers

Leticia Janzen, Clodagh M. Toomey, Laura K. Brunton, Elizabeth G. Condliffe, Shane Esau, Adam Kirton, Carolyn A. Emery, and Gregor Kuntze

, Thornton JC , Wang J , Pierson RN , Heymsfield SB , Horlick M . Measurement of percentage of body fat in 411 children and adolescents: a comparison of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry with a four-compartment model . Pediatrics . 2004 ; 113 ( 5I ): 1285 – 90 . doi:10.1542/peds.113.5.1285 25

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Gamification to Promote Physical Activity in Youth and Mothers With Obesity

Elizabeth Prout Parks, Kelly C. Allison, Yasmeen Bruton, Timothy Khalil, and Jonathan A. Mitchell

week ( 5 , 27 ). Furthermore, the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends calorie-free beverages, especially water, and zero SSB for children as well as no more than 1 SSB for adults ( 11 , 13 , 23 ). Self-monitoring of step count and SSB intake is

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Hydrotherapy in Pediatrics

Kenneth J. Killian and Dale A. Ulrich

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Physical Activity Opportunities Within the Schedule of Early Care and Education Centers

Stephanie Mazzucca, Derek Hales, Kelly R. Evenson, Alice Ammerman, Deborah F. Tate, Diane C. Berry, and Dianne S. Ward

Intervention Study in Childhood (DISC) . Pediatrics . 2006 ; 118 ( 6 ): 2388 – 2393 . PubMed doi:10.1542/peds.2006-1785 17142523 10.1542/peds.2006-1785 3. LeBlanc AG , Spence JC , Carson V , et al . Systematic review of sedentary behaviour and health indicators in the early years (aged 0–4 years

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Sociodemographic Differences in Young Children Meeting 24-Hour Movement Guidelines

Chelsea L. Kracht, Elizabeth K. Webster, and Amanda E. Staiano

; 15 ( 1 ): 69 . PubMed ID: 30001713 doi:10.1186/s12966-018-0691-3 30001713 10.1186/s12966-018-0691-3 8. American Academy of Pediatrics . American Academy of Pediatrics Announces New Recommendations for Children’s Media Use . 2017 ;

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A Scale Measuring Academic-Related Anxiety Following Concussion

Michael Dressing, Jillian Wise, Jennifer Katzenstein, and P. Patrick Mularoni

.B. , Grady , M.F. , Robinson , R.L. , . . . Wiebe , D.J . ( 2014 ). Characteristics of prolonged concussion recovery in a pediatric subspecialty referral population . The Journal of Pediatrics, 165 ( 6 ), 1207 – 1215 . PubMed ID: 25262302 doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2014.08.034 10.1016/j.jpeds.2014

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Patterns of Physical Activity and Screen Time Among Brazilian Children

Lia Grego Muniz de Araújo, Bruna Camilo Turi, Bruna Locci, Camila Angélica Asahi Mesquita, Natália Bonicontro Fonsati, and Henrique Luiz Monteiro

sedentary activities; and (5) perception that activities related to weight loss are more costly than the benefit to be achieved. On average, children and adolescents spent 2.6 (1.5) hours per day on screen time activities, an amount higher than the recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics, 26

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The Effect of Physical Activity Bout Patterns on Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Youth: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003–2006

David A. White, Youngha Oh, and Erik A. Willis

health and risk reduction in children and adolescents: summary report . Pediatrics . 2011 ; 128 ( suppl 5 ): 213 – 256 . 3. Kuzik N , Carson V , Andersen LB , et al . Physical activity and sedentary time associations with metabolic health across weight statuses in children and adolescents

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Validation of Body-Worn Sensors for Gait Analysis During a 2-min Walk Test in Children

Vincent Shieh, Cris Zampieri, Ashwini Sansare, John Collins, Thomas C. Bulea, and Minal Jain

years of age . Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 38 ( 1 ), 39 – 45 . 10.1080/01942638.2016.1261981 Dusing , S.C. , & Thorpe , D.E. ( 2007 ). A normative sample of temporal and spatial gait parameters in children using the GAITRite