There has been a remarkable increase in the past 10 years in the awareness of concussion in the sports and recreation communities. Just as sport participants, their families, coaches, trainers, and sports organizations now know more about concussions, health care professionals are also better prepared to diagnose and manage concussions. As has been stated in the formal articles in this special issue on sport-related concussion, education about concussion is one of the most important aspects of concussion prevention, with the others being data collection, program evaluation, improved engineering, and introduction and enforcement of rules. Unfortunately, the incidence of concussion appears to be rising in many sports and thus, additional sports-specific strategies are required to reduce the incidence, short-term effects, and long term consequences of concussion. Enhanced educational strategies are required to ensure that individual participants, sports organizations, and health care professionals recognize concussions and manage them proficiently according to internationally recognized guidelines. Therefore, this paper serves as a “brief report” on a few important aspects of concussion education and prevention.
Search Results
Sport Concussion Education and Prevention
Charles H. Tator
The Effects of a Web-Based Alcohol Prevention Program on Social Norms, Expectancies, and Intentions to Prevent Harm among College Student-Athletes
Melodie Fearnow-Kenney, David L. Wyrick, Jeffrey J. Milroy, Erin J. Reifsteck, Timothy Day, and Samantha E. Kelly
College athletes are at risk for heavy alcohol use, which jeopardizes their general health, academic standing, and athletic performance. Effective prevention programming reduces these risks by targeting theory-based intermediate factors that predict alcohol use while tailoring content to student-athletes. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the myPlaybook online prevention program on student-athletes’ social norms, negative alcohol expectancies, and intentions to use alcohol-related harm prevention strategies. NCAA Division II student-athletes were recruited from 60 institutions across the United States to complete myPlaybook and pretest/posttest surveys measuring demographics and targeted outcome variables. Participants were randomly assigned to the treatment group (pretest-program-posttest; final n = 647) or the delayed treatment “control” group (pretest-posttest-program; final n = 709). Results revealed significant program effects on social norms (p < .01) and intentions to use harm prevention strategies (p < .01), while the effect on negative alcohol expectancies was nonsignificant (p = .14). Implications for future research and practice are discussed.
Knee Injury Prevention Attitudes and Practices among High School Coaches
Laura Miele, Carl W. Nissen, Kevin Fitzsimmons, Trudy Lerer, and Garry Lapidus
Injury prevention programs have a positive effect on performance and the reduction of risk in most studies and reviews. However, not all teams and coaches utilize them. In order to better understand this, a 19-item survey was conducted to assess high school coaches’ perceptions, attitudes, and current practices regarding knee injury prevention among adolescent athletes during a mandatory Connecticut certification/re-certification course. The results of the survey show that high school coaches report a wide variability in their attitudes and utilization of training programs related to knee injury prevention. Coaches reported several barriers to employing the programs; the leading issue being time. Future education and outreach efforts should address the barriers in order to increase use of injury prevention training.
The Implementation of a National Strategy to Encourage Injury Prevention Program Uptake in a Community Female Sport in Ireland: A Camogie Case Study
Siobhán O’Connor, Wesley O’Brien, and Peter Lacey
prevention programs have been developed for Gaelic Games, including the game of Camogie, and have been shown to be an effective platform for reducing injury ( Schlingermann et al., 2018 ). One such program, the Activate injury prevention warm-up, was developed to improve movement skill abilities and minimise
An Examination of Hazing in Canadian Intercollegiate Sports
Jay Johnson, Michelle D. Guerrero, Margery Holman, Jessica W. Chin, and Mary Anne Signer-Kroeker
. Overall, findings from Hamilton et al.’s study indicated that hazing is a highly prevalent phenomenon in Canadian university sports with the need for prevention strategies to address this persistent trend. However, several research questions pertaining to hazing in Canadian athletics still remain. In fact
The Use of Orthotic Insoles to Prevent Lower Limb Overuse Injuries: A Critically Appraised Topic
Janie L. Kelly and Alison R. Valier
musculoskeletal disorders later in life. 1 , 7 , 8 Given the burden of LLOIs among physically active adults, it is important to identify an injury prevention strategy for this important population. Over the years, a variety of approaches have been proposed for prevention of LLOI that address various intrinsic or
Sports Medicine Staff Size Influences Exertional Heat Illness Policies in High School Football
Riana R. Pryor, Douglas J. Casa, Susan W. Yeargin, and Zachary Y. Kerr
Key Points ▸ Schools with multiple athletic trainers implement more heat illness safety policies. ▸ Team physicians at football practices may enhance heat illness management strategies. ▸ Team physician presence may influence riskier heat illness prevention strategies. An estimated 9,200 high
Collegiate Athletic Trainers’ Use of Behavioral Health Screening Tools
Taylor B. Chandler, Matthew J. Rivera, Elizabeth R. Neil, and Lindsey E. Eberman
, targeted prevention methods can be used for those identified. 10 Early prevention methods are important because it gives clinicians more time to identify symptoms and risks and intervene with referral as needed. 10 Participants that are using BH screening in practice expressed the value of screening
Injury Prevention in the Occupational Setting
Matthew Ficca
Prevalence and Factors Associated With Injuries in Elite Spanish Volleyball
Álvaro Cuñado-González, Aitor Martín-Pintado-Zugasti, and Ángel L. Rodríguez-Fernández
of this study were to describe the prevalence of injuries during 1 season in elite Spanish volleyball leagues and to identify the factors associated with volleyball injuries, including player court position, injury mechanism, type of shoes used when playing, and participation in prevention activities