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Kinesiology: Moving Toward Social Justice?

Diane L. Gill

This paper is based on a presentation at the 2021 National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK) meeting with the theme “Kinesiology’s Social Justice Imperative.” To address the question of the title—Kinesiology: Moving toward social justice?—here’s the haiku version and a summary of this paper: . . . to

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Kinesiology’s Social Justice Imperative

Bradley J. Cardinal

and others were explored through presentations devoted to the theme: Kinesiology’s Social Justice Imperative. Having been deferred in 2020 because of the COVID-19 global pandemic ( Liu et al., 2020 ), the 2021 meeting was held virtually. There were several unique benefits to the virtual meeting

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Social Justice Research in Physical Education Teacher Education: Contextualized in the United States

Desmond W. Delk, Michelle Vaughn, and Samuel R. Hodge

Increasingly, scholars are advocating for and exploring social justice phenomena in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programs ( Harrison et al., 2021 ). Most would agree that PETE programs are largely responsible for the professional preparation of the physical education teacher

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Hope for a Better Future in an Uncertain Present: A Social Justice Reflection in Sport Psychology

Bernadette “Bernie” Compton

Take a moment to reflect and journal about the following questions: 1. When was the first time you experienced social justice discussed within your graduate training? If you have not yet experienced social justice, is there any reason why you think this could be? 2. What courses have you taken that

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Developing Social Justice Outcomes Through Service Learning Among Sport Management Students

Nneka Arinze, Jesse Mala, Max Klein, and Justine Evanovich

Although multiple forms of pedagogies fit under the umbrella of social justice education (SJE), service learning is of utmost mention. In addition to its potential to improve students’ social justice orientation ( Krings et al., 2015 ), service learning has been recognized as a high-impact practice

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A Qualitative Exploration of Coaches’ Perceived Challenges and Recommendations Relating to Social Justice in Canadian High School Sport

Evan Bishop and Martin Camiré

called for more attention to be placed on social justice in coaching ( Kochanek & Erickson, 2020 ) to better understand how to create safer inclusive spaces for all. Therefore, inquiries are warranted to explore if/how coaches situate sport as a setting amenable for addressing and/or advocating for

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Examining Physical Activity for Individuals With Disabilities Through a Social Justice Lens

Martin E. Block and Abby Fines

this paper is to examine inclusion of individuals with disabilities in PA through a social justice lens. The goal of this paper is to make PA providers aware of intended and unintended attitudes and behaviors that lead to discrimination against people with disabilities in sport, recreation, fitness

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Using Theory to Guide Research: Applications of Constructivist and Social Justice Theories

K. Andrew R. Richards, Kim C. Graber, and Amelia Mays Woods

education environments, Ennis was an educator at heart and was deeply interested in the needs and experiences of school-age children participating in physical education classes. Much of her work was guided by social constructivist and social justice theories that promoted equitable education in which

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Social Justice and Physical Education in the United States: The Need for New Maps

Dillon Landi and Sue Sutherland

pedagogical models ( Hellison, 1995 ; Siedentop, 1994 ); examine teacher planning and beliefs ( Placek, 1983 , 1984 ); address social justice and inequity ( Bain, 1975 ; Dewar, 1987 ); and develop theories ( Lawson, 1983 ), among other contributions. In other words, U.S. PE scholars from this period were

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A Call for Social Justice Researchers: Intersectionality as a Framework for the Study of Human Movement and Education

Mara Simon, Jihyeon Lee, Megen Evans, Sheldon Sucre, and Laura Azzarito

calls for researchers to embrace and conceptualize social justice-oriented research to explore subjectivities, embodiment, and social inequalities from the views and experiences of individuals who are marginalized or underrepresented because of their race, gender (female, transgender, and gender fluid