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Mental Health Services for Canadian University Student-Athletes: An Exploratory Survey

Sara L. Giovannetti, Jessica R.G. Robertson, Heather L. Colquhoun, and Cindy K. Malachowski

simultaneously balance their athletic and academic roles. Although competing in varsity sport can be rewarding, student-athletes face unique challenges such as extensive time commitments related to practice, travel, and games or competition ( Geiger, 2013 ; Lopez & Levy, 2013 ). A systematic review that

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Counseling College Student-Athletes: Issues and Interventions

Bruce D. Hale

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Mental Health Resources for NCAA Student-Athletes

Megan Everritt and Amy Rundio

Student athletes (SAs) are put under tremendous amounts of stress, including, but not limited to, reduced study time due to practice schedules, meeting team and performance standards, and external pressure to exceed expectations. Many of these individuals face the daily challenge of staying stoic

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Sport Management Faculty Members’ Mentorship of Student-Athletes

Stacy M. Warner, Sarah Stokowski, Alison Fridley, and Kibaek Kim

toward the student-athlete 1 population ( Comeaux, 2010 , 2011 ; Engstrom et al., 1995 ; Huml et al., 2019 ; Parsons, 2013 ). Faculty members have been found to perceive the student-athlete population as lazy, unprepared, and unconcerned regarding academics (e.g.,  Comeaux, 2010 , 2011 ). Faculty

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Well-Being and Performance in Dual Careers: The Role of Academic and Athletic Identities

Fleur E.C.A. van Rens, Rebecca A. Ashley, and Andrea R. Steele

sport is challenging, and the strains associated with these dual careers are a source of stress to student-athletes ( Cosh & Tully, 2015 ; Van Rens, Borkoles, Farrow, Curran, & Polman, 2016 ). To better support student-athletes in their stressful dual careers, it is important to identify the

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Health Literacy Levels of Collegiate Student-Athletes

Jodee M. Roberts, Matthew J. Rivera, Zachary K. Winkelmann, and Lindsey E. Eberman

Key Points ▸ College student-athletes demonstrated adequate health literacy. ▸ There were no significant differences in health literacy between Whites and non-Whites. ▸ Athletic trainers should collaborate with their patients in the decision-making process to improve patient-centered care. Patient

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Prevalence of COVID-19 Anxiety in Division I Student-Athletes

Victoria Sanborn, Lauren Todd, Hanna Schmetzer, Nasha Manitkul-Davis, John Updegraff, and John Gunstad

observed during prior outbreaks as well as increased depression and anxiety recognized currently with COVID-19, it would be expected that elevated psychological symptoms may be found in student-athletes as they may be at increased risk for exposure. Though future studies will be needed to determine whether

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Making High School Sport Impactful

Stéphanie Turgeon, Kelsey Kendellen, Sara Kramers, Scott Rathwell, and Martin Camiré

Sport is one of the most popular extracurricular activities for high school students in Canada and the United States. In Canada, high school sports are practiced by over 750,000 student-athletes throughout the country ( School Sport Canada, 2018 ). In the United States, high school sport

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Exploring the Communication of Student-Athlete Pathways as a Transformative Service in Australian Higher Education

Bridie Kean, David Fleischman, and Peter English

undertaking higher education while training and competing in national and international sporting competitions. Australian student-athletes composed more than 40% of the 2008, 2012, and 2016 Olympic teams, winning 57–61% of the medals ( Knapp, 2012 ; Uniroos, 2016 ). Hence, the Australian Institute of Sport

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Mental Health in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring the Impact on Well-Being Across the Athlete-Collegiate Career

David P. Schary and Carolina Lundqvist

mental health and student support services across campuses ( Lederer, Hoban, Lipson, Zhou, & Eisenberg, 2021 ). The long-term impact on mental health from these policies is still unknown; nonetheless, the immediate impact reveals worrisome trends. For example, among student-athletes, the National