. ( 2018 ). Using visual methodologies to understand pre-service health and physical education teachers’ subjectivities of bodies . Sport, Education and Society, 23 ( 5 ), 394 – 406 . 10.1080/13573322.2016.1228625 Virta , J. , Hökkä , P. , Eteläpelto , A. , & Rasku-Puttonen , H. ( 2019
Search Results
Bodily Uncertainty, Precarious Body: An Embodied Narrative of a Physical Education Teacher From an Autobiographical Perspective
Gustavo González-Calvo and Göran Gerdin
Physical Education Teachers’ Swimming Skill Analysis in 6- to 12-Year-Old Children: Findings From an Online Survey
Inga Fokken, Ilka Staub, and Tobias Vogt
. Teachers’ attitudes toward the use of motor tests 8 4. Teachers’ subjective competence evaluation 8 The teachers participating in the quantitative online survey were asked to comment on the statements using a 5-point scale, which corresponds to the recommendation of Preston and Colman ( 2000 ) regarding
The Influence of Socialization Factors on Physical Educators’ Conceptions of Assessment and Perceived Quality of Assessment
Jenna R. Starck, K. Andrew R. Richards, Michael A. Lawson, and Oleg A. Sinelnikov
suggested that teachers’ subjective theories related to what constitutes quality physical education are often flawed or incomplete ( Richards et al., 2013 ). As a result, they may not value the role of assessment in physical education ( Starck et al., 2018 ). Authors have suggested that, if misconceptions
Incorporating a Motion Analysis App in Middle School Badminton Unit
Hyeonho Yu, Hans van der Mars, Peter A. Hastie, and Pamela H. Kulinna
. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 ( 1 ), 108 – 121 . https://doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2018.1483699 10.1080/02640414.2018.1483699 Kretschmann , R. ( 2015 ). Physical education teachers’ subjective theories about integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into physical education
Preservice Physical Education Teachers’ Perceptions of a Flipped Basketball Course: Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations
Koon Teck Koh, Chunxiao Li, and Swarup Mukherjee
physical education teacher education: A call to action . Quest, 72 ( 3 ), 241 – 259 . doi:10.1080/00336297.2019.1685553 10.1080/00336297.2019.1685553 Kretschmann , R. ( 2015 ). Physical education teachers’ subjective theories about integrating information and communication technology (ICT) into
Physical Education Teachers and Competing Obesity Discourses: An Examination of Emerging Professional Identities
Dean Barker, Mikael Quennerstedt, Anna Johansson, and Peter Korp
experience. Twenty of the participants had been teaching physical education for more than 3 years, of whom 14 had been teaching for more than 10 years. The average teaching experience was 11 years. All except one of the teachers worked in urban or suburban contexts in Sweden. Given that teacher
Strength and Conditioning in U.S. Schools: A Qualitative Investigation of Physical Educators’ Socialization and Professional Experiences
Ben D. Kern, David Bellar, Wesley J. Wilson, and Samiyah Rasheed
& Templin, 2019 ). To effectively influence preservice teachers’ subjective theories about physical education instruction during this phase, a coordinated and highly rigorous program promoting professional behaviors is recommended ( Rink, 2013 ). To that end, however, no research has been conducted
Adopting Instructional Models in Physical Education: The Influence of Occupational Socialization
Paul R. Malinowski, Ben D. Kern, and Tristan Wallhead
predictor of in-service teachers’ adoption of an IM in their professional practice, particularly when preservice teachers’ subjective orientation aligns with what is taught within their program ( Vasquez & Wallhead, 2022 ). Organizational socialization refers to the phase of teacher socialization that
Occupational Socialization of Sport Pedagogy Faculty: Two German Case Studies
Anne M. Merrem and Matthew D. Curtner-Smith
main focus was on teaching and conducting research within their scientific sub-disciplines. With the exception of a few notable cases, this meant that they supported the existing versions of PE and PETE without question and did not consider attempting to modify preservice teachers’ subjective warrants
Teachers’ Beliefs and Dispositions Toward Change in a Social and Emotional Skills Development Program
Shannon A. Pennington, Kim C. Graber, Karen Lux Gaudreault, and Kevin Andrew Richards
coaching orientations are more likely than those recruits with teaching orientations to favor more traditional pedagogical practices and resist teacher education and subsequent change initiatives ( Curtner-Smith, 2017 ). Socialization continues to (re)shape teachers’ subjective theories, as they move into