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Optimizing Preseason Training Loads in Australian Football

David L. Carey, Justin Crow, Kok-Leong Ong, Peter Blanch, Meg E. Morris, Ben J. Dascombe, and Kay M. Crossley

Training-load prescription in team-sport athletes is a balance between performance improvement 1 , 2 and injury-risk reduction. 3 – 6 The manipulation of training intensity, duration, and frequency to induce improvements in athletic performance is a fundamental objective of training

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Semiautomatic Training Load Determination in Endurance Athletes

Christophe Dausin, Sergio Ruiz-Carmona, Ruben De Bosscher, Kristel Janssens, Lieven Herbots, Hein Heidbuchel, Peter Hespel, Véronique Cornelissen, Rik Willems, André La Gerche, Guido Claessen, and on behalf of the Pro@Heart Consortium*

Despite the widespread use of heart rate (HR) monitors to precisely quantify external and internal training load (TL), studies in sports cardiology have consistently relied on questionnaires to assess TL. These questionnaires are known to be less valid and reliable to evaluate long-term TL as

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Internal and External Training Load: 15 Years On

Franco M. Impellizzeri, Samuele M. Marcora, and Aaron J. Coutts

The concepts of internal and external training load were first presented at the Eighth Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Salzburg, Austria (2003) 1 at an invited session and symposium organized by Tom Reilly. The content of this presentation was included in 2 follow

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Technical and Tactical Training Load in Professional Volleyball Players

Thiago S. Duarte, Danilo L. Alves, Danilo R. Coimbra, Bernardo Miloski, João C. Bouzas Marins, and Maurício G. Bara Filho

The training process aims to promote specific and positive adaptations to increase sports performance. 1 – 4 In this sense, the correct application of training loads and monitoring of athletes’ responses are essential to make the necessary adjustments in the periodization of training and adapt to

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Validity of the Training-Load Concept

Louis Passfield, Juan M. Murias, Massimo Sacchetti, and Andrea Nicolò

An athlete’s training can be quantified in terms of its training load (TL), an important concept originally devised by Banister et al 1 that combines training-session intensity and duration in a manner proposed to represent a “dose” of training. Cumulated over multiple sessions, TL is commonly

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The Influence of Exercise Modality on Training Load Management

Øyvind Sandbakk, Thomas Haugen, and Gertjan Ettema

Training load management is crucial for the optimization of athlete training responses, competition readiness, and minimizing the risk of injury, illness, and nonfunctional overreaching. 1 Training load is traditionally determined by a series of components, such as training volume (duration

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Sport-Specific Outdoor Rehabilitation in a Group Setting: Do the Intentions Match Actual Training Load?

Jeroen de Bruijn, Henk van der Worp, Mark Korte, Astrid de Vries, Rick Nijland, and Michel Brink

ranges from a few weeks to several months, one can easily imagine that an injury seriously affects a player’s aerobic fitness. 9 Fortunately, the negative effects of detraining on aerobic performance can be reversed by endurance training. 10 To accomplish this, training loads during the rehabilitation

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Injury Surveillance and Training Load Methods Used by Health Professionals in Tennis: An Online Multinational Survey

Diego H. Méndez, Pablo O. Policastro, and Danilo De Oliveira Silva

mismanagement of resources. 3 Training load also appears to be related with the development of sport-related injuries. 4 Therefore, monitoring and adjusting these variables could contribute to injury prevention in recreational and elite sport. 5 The incidence of musculoskeletal injuries in both recreational

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Positional Differences in Elite Basketball: Selecting Appropriate Training-Load Measures

Luka Svilar, Julen Castellano, Igor Jukic, and David Casamichana

load has received a lot of attention in recent years 2 , 3 due to its important role in improving performance and mitigating injuries. 4 Accurate monitoring of the training load provides the coach with a better understanding of individual tolerance to training 5 and provides a solid basis for optimal

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Individual Response to External Training Load in Elite Football Players

Håvard Wiig, Thor Einar Andersen, Live S. Luteberget, and Matt Spencer

Monitoring and managing training load may assist to achieve the desired training outcome 1 and reduce injury risk. 2 , 3 However, quantifying training load accurately and reliably is challenging in team sports due to the complexity of movements and actions, and the constant shifting intensities