Kuikman, M.A., McKay, A.K.A., Minahan, C., Harris, R., Elliott-Sale, K.J., Stellingwerff, T., Smith, E.S., McCormick, R., Tee, N., Skinner, J., Ackerman, K.E., & Burke, L.M. (2024). Effect of menstrual cycle phase and hormonal contraceptives on resting metabolic rate and body composition. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 34(4), 207–217. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijsnem.2023-0193
After publication, the authors learned there was a systematic error in the proprietary protocol to calculate resting metabolic rate (RMR) in the laboratory used for this study, resulting in systematically elevated RMR measurements. p Values and the number of athletes presenting with a suppressed RMR have been corrected in the abstract and main text; Figures 2, 4, and 5; and Table 5. The relationships between the old and new RMR calculations are linear and highly correlated, and the major findings of the study did not change. The article was corrected October 9, 2024.