We, the Authors, Editors, and Publishers of the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP), have retracted the following article in whole: Dos’Santos T, Jones PA, Kelly J, McMahon JJ, Comfort P, Thomas C Effect of sampling frequency on isometric midthigh-pull kinetics. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2016;11(2):255–260. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2015-0222.

The Editorial Office was contacted by the author with the information that this paper was published with incorrect data. The conclusion, practical applications, and underlying findings remain unchanged, but the reliability measures of the values for the rate of force development were incorrect. The changes to the text and one of the tables in the paper were too extensive to resolve with an erratum, so the paper is retracted, and the amended paper will be published in its entirety in a future issue of IJSPP.